Luxe Aesthetics

What are the Benefits of Chemical Peels?

Undergoing a treatment with chemical peels is one of the best things you can do for your skin when you are dealing with sun damage or signs of aging. This treatment can improve virtually every aspect of your skin, and a peel is available for almost every conceivable skin problem. Before undergoing a chemical peel, however, you need to be informed about what is involved so you can select the type of peel that best suits your individual needs and goals.

A chemical peel is a medical-grade solution that involves the delivery of a certain chemical to the upper layers of skin. It will be left on the skin for a specified amount of time to remove part of the outer skin layer and trigger the formation of new skin tissue less affected by signs of aging or sun damage. There are three basic types of chemical peels: superficial, medium, and deep.

Superficial Chemical Peels

Superficial chemical peels only involve the removal of dead skin cells that can build up on the surface of your skin and have a dulling effect on your complexion. They are best suited for the treatment of enlarged pores, superficial wrinkles and acne scars, and dull skin tone. A superficial peel typically utilizes mild acids like glycolic or lactic acid to remove the stratum corneum skin layer composed mostly of dead skin cells and cellular debris. This has a noticeable brightening effect on your complexion that really helps bring your skin back to life.

Medium Chemical Peels

Chemicals like TCA are typically used in medium peels that help to improve the appearance of light lines and wrinkles, acne scars, enlarged pores, and uneven pigmentation.

Deep Chemical Peels

Deep peels are only used in the most serious cases involving deep scars, deeper lines and wrinkles, hyperpigmentation, and stretch marks. Phenol or carbolic acid are two popular choices for chemicals used in a deep peel treatment. Deep peels provide extremely dramatic results in the improvement of many serious skin conditions.

After Your Chemical Peel

After your chemical peels treatment, there will be some healing time, depending upon the type of peel that was performed. This is completely normal, and is your body’s way of removing damaged skin tissue to make way for fresher skin that displays fewer imperfections. Do not rush the process by rubbing or pulling any of the skin away from the treated area.

Your Consultation

If you feel that you would benefit from a treatment with chemical peels for problems like wrinkles, scars, hyperpigmentation, or more, we encourage you to reach out and make an appointment with Luxe Aesthetics! At our convenient locations in Raleigh, Cary, and Greensboro, our caring and devoted team of professionals will be pleased to explain this treatment in greater detail and answer any questions you may have. Contact us today to set up your consultation!