Luxe Aesthetics

Unhappy with Signs of Aging on Your Face? Consider Fat Transfer

Aging happens to all of us. Trying to choose a beauty treatment that works and lasts are key factors when looking for a cosmetic solution. Fat transfer is one of those options that uses fat harvested from the patient’s own body which can then be re-injected into the face to restore lost volume and youthful contours.

Fat Transfer for the Face

Most people are aware of fat transfer (fat grafting) being administered for a more voluptuous posterior or bosom. However, a fat transfer is another wonderful and minimally-invasive procedure performed for the face. The treatment is gaining in popularity.

Patients like the concept because the fat being injected is coming from their own body, and the results can be impressive. For instance, fat transfer can add volume to your cheeks, plump up your lips, and significantly volumize other facial areas. It can also help fill in pitted regions and provide all-over symmetry to the facial features.

Extraction From the Donor Fat Area

When it comes to fat transfer, a skilled expert will determine the donor area to remove the fat from. Usually, this includes the buttocks or stomach. The suctioned fat is then injected into sunken facial areas after being purified. This is one of the more permanent solutions to facial volumization and rejuvenation.

Benefits of Using Your Own Fat

Fat is abundant, and it’s not difficult to find some on the body for harvesting. In addition, you don’t have to worry about negative reactions because you are using your own tissue. The incredible advancements in the technology of fat transfer or fat grafting make this procedure a win-win with attractive, smooth and permanent results.

Get in Touch with Us to Find Out More

If you dislike looking in the mirror because your face no longer has that youthful fullness and rested appearance, you aren’t alone. We all get older, and we all see signs of aging. The good news is that several beauty options are available, and fat transfer for the face is one of the exceptional treatments to consider.

For more information, feel free to reach out and make an appointment with Luxe Aesthetics! At our convenient locations in Cary and Greensboro, our friendly team of professionals is ready and eager to explain the process in full and answer any questions you may have. Contact us today to schedule a consultation.