Luxe Aesthetics

Refresh Yourself with Chemical Peels

A smooth, clear, radiant, and more youthful complexion may sound like an impossible dream, but when you choose the proper approach to skin care, you can get an incredible outcome. Chemical peels happen to be one of the best methods of transforming the skin on your face and neck. Affordable, quick, and with barely any downtime, these simple beauty treatments deliver exceptional results.

Exfoliation Really Matters

What chemical peels do is exfoliate through intensive pore-cleansing and the removal of dull, dead skin cell layers. This thorough sloughing gives way to a softer, smoother skin texture and a glowing complexion. The method is chemical rather than abrasive, so your skin is not damaged through ablative techniques. 

A peel contains active ingredients that exfoliate the skin chemically, and no two peels are alike. There are a wide variety of chemical peels designed to improve the complexion for any skin type, skin condition and age of the client. At your consultation we will personalize your chemical peel to fit your skin’s needs. 

Improving Damaged Outer Layers

The general signs of aging and damage by the sun’s strong UVA/UVB rays can do a number on your complexion. Even famous stars whose gorgeous complexions you often see up close on the camera are not immune to getting older and challenged with skin imperfections.

Chemical peels are minimally-invasive beauty treatments that are safe and effective when performed by skilled skin care experts at a plastic surgeon’s office. These chemical solutions are powerful in making significant improvements to uneven skin pigmentation, fine lines and wrinkles, acne and/or acne scars, sun-damage and rough skin texture and scaly patches.

Choosing the Perfect Peel for You

Our skin care specialist will know exactly what kind of peel to recommend. These chemical solutions come in varying strengths and types. There are superficial, medium, and deep chemical peels, all designed to create a brighter complexion that is soft, smooth, clear, and more youthful-looking. Each peel addresses different skin conditions/issues, so our professionals will work with you to find the right peel for your skin. 

Chemical peels happen to be one of the great rejuvenating beauty treatments. Once you have one, you know how radiant and refreshed your face and neck appear. The treatment is quick and simple, and the results are pleasing. Here at Luxe Aesthetics, our skin care experts take great pride in helping our clients achieve their personal skin care goals. We are conveniently located in Cary and Greesnboro, NC. Contact us today to schedule your consultation!