Luxe Aesthetics

Is Orbital Surgery Right for Me?

Orbital Surgery

When you meet someone for the first time, chances are good the first thing you notice is their eyes. The eyes reflect the inner essence of a person and are how emotion is primarily expressed. If the individual has a deformity that has impacted their tear ducts, eyelids, or eyes, it can have a dramatic impact on their level of self-confidence, appearance and the way they are treated by others. These are the reasons orbital surgery has been classified as both a medical and a cosmetic surgery.

There are numerous reasons you may be considering having orbital surgery. One of the more common procedures is an issue with the eyelid. This can negatively impact your ability to see properly as well as your appearance. If your eyelid is not working properly, it will impact the general health of your eye as well as your comfort level.

The Reasons for Orbital Surgery

In some cases, orbital surgery is necessary for an overactive thyroid. This type of disorder can cause the eyes to pop out of the correct orbit. This condition has the appearance of bug eyes. When the eyes protrude, it can affect the appearance of the eyes as well as negatively impact the overall health of the individual. Some other disorders leading to the need for surgery include trauma to the eyes, tumors and eye disorders.

The first step is to talk to our professionals to discuss the particulars of your condition and the potential benefits of the surgery. If the decision is made that your best option is surgery, the specific procedure you need will be explained in detail. The specifics of any surgery are based on your unique needs and situation. The surgeon will decide exactly what must be done before and during your surgery. All necessary factors combined will provide the information necessary to give you the best possible options, protect your eye health, and improve your appearance.

Curious to Learn More? Get In Touch with Us

If you have either a medical or cosmetic eye issue, orbital surgery may provide the solution. To find out if this type of surgery is right for you, please feel free to get in touch with us and book an appointment with Luxe Aesthetics! At our convenient locations in Cary and Greensboro, our knowledgeable staff of dedicated professionals will be happy to evaluate your situation, address any questions or concerns you may have, and help you decide which option would be best for you. Contact us today to set up your consultation – we look forward to hearing from you!