Luxe Aesthetics

The Benefits of a Face Fat Transfer

The face will naturally lose volume and fullness over time. A lack of volume in the face can cause sagging skin and protruding bones, which will instantly add years to your appearance. While there are several procedures that can restore volume and fullness to your face, none of them are quite like a face fat transfer. This procedure injects your body’s own fat directly into the face to improve your appearance. These are the four biggest benefits of the face fat transfer procedure.

Remove Fat from Unwanted Areas

One of the first steps of the face fat transfer is removing a portion of fat from an area of your body. The fat is usually taken from the stomach, butt, legs or another area that has a lot of excess fat. The fat removed is only a very small amount, so this procedure does not use liposuction but instead is minimally-invasive.  

No Chance of Bad Reaction

While injectable fillers can add a lot of volume to your face, they are often made with synthetic ingredients. These synthetic materials are generally safe, but there is a small chance they can be rejected by the body. If the body rejects one of the ingredients in the injectable filler, then you will have to deal with a lot of complicated side effects. Since the face fat transfer procedure uses fat removed from your body, there is no risk of an allergic reaction.

Short Recovery Period

The recovery process is the worst part of every medical procedure, so everybody wants to get back to their normal life as quick as possible. Luckily, you will not have to deal with a lengthy recovery period after getting a face fat transfer. It will generally only take a few days to fully healed from this minimally invasive procedure. There is also no risk of scarring associated with the procedure.

Long-Lasting Natural Results

The face will retain a vast majority of the fat that gets transferred. This means that you can expect to enjoy the benefits of the face fat transfer for a very long time. The body naturally absorbs the ingredients used in injectable fillers, so those products can only enhance your appearance for a few years. In addition to the long-lasting results, you can also expect a more natural appearance when using a face fat transfer.

There is no reason to suffer from a sunken or hollow face any longer. Visit Luxe Aesthetics in Cary and Greensboro, NC to find your solution for loss of facial volume. Contact us today to schedule your consultation!