Luxe Aesthetics

Droopy Eyelids: What Can I Do?

You’re tired of looking tired all the time. You get your rest every night, but that won’t get rid of your droopy eyelids. You have tried all kinds of cosmetics and exercises that are supposed to make your eyelids tighten up. Nothing has worked. It’s time to consider plastic surgery to correct the problem. Ptosis surgery can help you to make your eyes look like they are wide open without droopy eyelids to get in your way.

What Does Ptosis Surgery Involve?

Ptosis surgery is a type of plastic surgery that focuses on the eyelids to give you are more appealing appearance. The main goal of ptosis surgery is to eliminate excess skin that is giving you that droopy look. You may need to have your muscles tightened for the best results. You may be thinking about ptosis surgery for strictly cosmetic purposes. However, you should definitely consider it for medical reasons if your drooping eyelids are affecting your ability to see clearly. Our plastic surgeon will evaluate you and determine the best way to go.

Give Yourself a More Youthful Appearance Once Again

Once you have had ptosis correction, your eyelids will no longer by droopy. Your vision won’t have any obstacles. It’s important to understand that as you get older, your skin will become less elastic. You may need to come back for eyelid surgery again to address any changes that are brought on by age. Only time will tell what changes are going to happen to your body as you get older.

Is Ptosis Surgery Right for You?

If you have upper eyelids that sag, consider eyelid surgery to take care of the problem. If your eyelids give you trouble with wearing contacts or seeing clearly, you need to see a plastic surgeon. When you place yourself in the hands of an expert, you can have confidence in your procedure.

Talk to Our Plastic Surgeon About a Solution for Droopy Eyelids Today

If eyelid exercises and topical creams haven’t tightened up your eyelids, it’s time to make an appointment to see our plastic surgeon at Luxe Aesthetics. Open up and talk about your droopy eyelids. Our professionals will work with you to determine if you qualify. If you are in generally good health you are likely a candidate for surgery that will correct tired-looking, droopy eyelids. We are conveniently located in Cary and Greensboro, NC. Contact us today to schedule your consultation!