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Droopy Eyelids

Droopy Eyelids, or Ptosis, refers to eyelids that tend to descend to the point that they block the pupil and effect peripheral vision. This may occur as a result of aging, eyelid surgery, trauma, or genetics. Another caumon cause is Pseudoptosis, which the artificial appearance of droopy eyelids actually caused by excess of skin or fat in the upper eyelids.

How Does it Work?

Your physician will determine the exact nature of your drooped eyelids as different surgical techniques are required for different types of eyelid droop. Ptosis surgery corrects the sagging eyelid by tightening or removing some material to correct the ptosis. After ptosis correction, the upper eyelid is lifted so vision is no longer impaired. The eyelids look younger with tighter skin, more open appearance, better eyelash appearance, and fewer visual problems.

Ideal Candidates:

  • Tired looking

  • Experiencing saggy eyelids

  • Poor muscle tone of the eye

  • Suffering from vision obstruction due to excess skin drooping over the upper eyelids


Eyelid Lumps and Bumps

It is common for benign lumps and bumps to form increasingly over time as one ages. The lumps can often be present for at least six months and could potentially cause no irritation to the patient. Any history of change in size, change in color, bleeding, or ulcerations can point to malignant growths.

How Does it Work?

The surgeon will turn your eyelid inside out and then cut the cyst away using tiny instruments. Eyelid cyst removal is usually performed as a day case, meaning you will go home the day of the procedure.

Ideal Candidates:

  • Prencense of lump or cyst similar to a stye

  • Heaviness of the eyelid

  • Increased tenderness and swelling of the eyelid

  • Increased tearing

  • Any growth that interferes with vision or causes a loss of eyelashes should also be considered potentially malignant

Please note that new or changing lesions should be examined and monitored by a trained eyelid specialist.


Water Eye / Tear Duct Surgery

Tearing can happen for 3 major reasons:

  • The eye produces too many tears

  • The tear duct drainage system does not drain enough tears

  • The eyelids do not “fit” across the eyeball normally

How Does it Work?

Depending on the diagnosis, tearing can be treated with simple eye drops, or in some cases, surgery is required on the tear system to regulate the moisture in your eyes. Our doctors will decide which treatment or procedure fits best your case.

Ideal Candidates:

  • Constant tearing and discharge from the eye

  • Patients with a history of trauma to the nose and/or nasal surgery


Face Fat Transfer

Face fat transfer, also known as fat grafting, is a process that involves harvesting fat cells from other parts of the body, purifying them, and injecting them into the treatment site. This is done to increase the volume in the designated area of the face, such as the cheeks and lips. This procedure can also help reduce the appearance of pitted acne scars.

How Does it Work?

Fat grafting involves removing fat from one’s own abdomen or thighs to put into certain regions of the face that start to lose fat. Only tiny amounts of fat are removed, so this procedure should not be equated with liposuction. Fat grafting is minimally invasive and does not require any traditional facial incisions. With a global perspective on the aging process, fat grafting has assumed a more prominent role in our ability to combat the signs of aging.

Ideal Candidates:

  • Patients who desire a more permanent solution than temporary fillers can provide

  • Patients that wish to rejuvenate their hands or face for a youthful look

  • Patients that want to smooth laugh lines, smile lines, or crows feet


Eyelids Turning In or Out

Inward turning of the lower eyelid (Entropion) can cause eyelashes to irritate the surface of the eye, causing discomfort. The skin of the eyelid and eyelashes rubbing against the surface of the eye can lead to watery eyes, crusting of the eyelid, discharge, irritation and infection of the cornea, and impaired vision.

An outwardly turned eyelid (Ectropion) exposes the delicate eyeball to the elements. Excessively sagging lower eyelids can cause a patient to suffer from watery eyes, eye pain, discharge, irritation, and redness of the eyelid. Surgery to restore the normal anatomy is critical in prevention complications from an excessively loose lower eyelid.

How Does it Work?

Entropion and Ectropion both generally require surgical repair to avoid eye health issues and potential vision loss. Repair surgery is usually performed in an outpatient surgical facility under a local anesthetic and monitored sedation.

Ideal Candidates:

  • Lower eyelid and eyelashes turn in lashes and rub against the cornea

  • Eyelid turns out away from the eye

  • Eyelids cannot meet properly

  • Changes of the eye due to injury

  • Tears are not spread over the eyeball


Eye Socket Orbital Disorders

Orbital surgery may be necessary due to injuries, tumors, cancers, inflammation,infections, prior surgeries or abnormal development of the eye or eye socket. In addition, the inflammation and damage to the orbital tissues from Graves’ thyroid eye disease may require orbital surgery.

How Does it Work?

Not every orbital condition will require surgery. However, certain scenarios will require surgery to either aid in diagnosis or for treatment. The goal of surgery will differ with each patient depending on the reason for surgery. However, the goal of all orbital surgery is to maintain the health and function of the orbit and the eye.

Ideal Candidates are patients suffering from one of the following:

  • Graves’ or thyroid eye disease

  • Orbital tumors

  • Genetics (Inherited)

  • Shallow orbit (shallow eyes socket)

  • Sunken cheek bones

  • Large Myopic Eyeballs

  • Relatively large eye when compared to sunken opposite eye


Chemical Peels

A chemical peel is a procedure used to improve the appearance of the skin on your face, hands, and neck. Generally, an acid solution is applied to the area to be treated with the objective of exfoliating or slough off the outer most layer of skin to remove dead skin cells, and dry, flakey skin to reveal new, softer and smoother skin. It will rejuvenate your skin.

How Does it Work?

There are several types of chemical peels that vary in strength and treat different levels of the skin. Superficial peelings are gentle peels used for mild exfoliation of the outer layer of skin, to improve the look of mild skin discolorations, smooth rough skin, and overall refreshment. Medium peels reach the middle layer of skin to remove damaged skin cells. These can improve the look of age spots, fine lines and wrinkles, superficial blemishes, freckles and moderate skin discolorations. The deep peel will erase moderate lines and wrinkles, age spots, freckles and shallow scars. It also provides a dramatically improved appearance with long-lasting results. It is only used on the face and can only be performed one time.

Ideal Candidates:

  • Non-smoking patients with good health

  • Patients with dry, dull skin or acne who want to improve their skin’s appearance


Juvederm Voluma XC

Juvederm Voluma XC is the first and only FDA approved cosmetic filler to correct age-related volume loss in the mid-face. It is an injectable volumizer that instantly adds volume in the cheeks for a more youthful appearance. Voluma is made of hyaluronic acid, a sugar compound found in the skin. This break-through compound provides a subtle lift that plumps, refreshes, and rejuvenates.

How Does it Work?

Voluma is injected deep under the skin in the cheek area with little pain due to fewer nerves and blood vessels in the region. It is also formulated with lidocaine for additional comfort. Juvederm Voluma XC induces collagen production to firm and plump over time. It also replenishes hyaluronic acid to rebuild the skin’s supportive structures. The result is radiant skin with a soft, natural feel.

How Long Does it Last?

The procedure take 15-30 minutes, and the results last up to 2 years. When it is time for a maintenance treatment, patients need less product to get the same results.

Ideal Candidates:

  • Patients over 21 who are in good health

  • Patients who appear drawn with sunken cheeks, hollowed out temples, or deep wrinkles around their nose and/or mouth



Restylane is made of a clear gel formulation of hyaluronic acid (HA)–a kind of sugar naturally produced in the body, especially in the skin. Because of this, Restylane is biocompatible and rarely causes allergic reactions.

How Does it Work?

Restylane is formulated to behave just like your body’s naturally-produced hyaluronic acid and is injected to immediately reduce moderate to severe facial wrinkles and folds, including the unpleasant nasolabial folds (smile lines) that run from the nose to the corners of the mouth. Restylane is also used to restore lost facial volume in areas such as under the eye, and add fullness and definition to the lips.

How Long Do They Last?

Restylane fillers generally last from 8-10 months depending on the area treated, the amount injected, and your metabolism.

Ideal Candidates:

  • Patients in good health

  • Patients who struggle with early signs of aging

  • Patients who seek a smoother, more youthful appearance



Xeomin is an injectable neuromodulator similar to Botox and Dysport. It is injected into the targeted muscles to temporarily block nerve impulses to weaken muscle movements that cause dynamic wrinkles. This provides almost immediate improvement in appearance and prevents the deepening of these grooves and wrinkles by reducing their frequency and intensity.

How Does it Work?

Xeomin is designed to temporarily ease these dynamic wrinkles and furrows and prevent them from deepening. It is also used to improve the appearance of neck bands, can be used to lift the eyebrows, and open the eyes.

How Long Does it Last?

The entire procedure usually takes about 15-20 minutes. Just like Botox and Dysport, Xeomin typically lasts anywhere from 3 to 4 months.

Ideal Candidates:

  • Patients who are in good heatlh

  • Patients who want to reduce the visibility of wrinkles that have occurred naturally over time

  • Pateints who are not pregnant or nursing

  • Patients trying to prevent future wrinkles from developing


Platelet Rich Plasma (PRP) Injections

Platelets are the cells in the blood that help tissue to heal and grow new cells. The PRP, injected into specific areas of the skin, act as a matrix that promotes your own collagen to grow, regenerates tissue, and thus acts to naturally smooth and tighten the skin.

How Does it Work?

First, a small amount of blood is drawn. Then, our specialists isolate and concentrate the platelets from other blood components. This leaves only the PRP-rich fibrin matrix, containing high platelet and growth factor concentrations, which function to accelerate healing and improve skin quality.

Ideal Candidates:

  • Patients who are in good health

  • Patients who want to improve mild to moderate signs of aging

  • Patients who are looking for a gradual improvement in their skin’s appearance and seeking noticeable, natural looking results


Face Lift Surgery

Face lift surgery is a plastic surgery procedure that can drastically improve the signs of aging and your appearance. Face lift surgery reduces wrinkles, sagging skin, and tightens the underlying facial muscles.

How Does it Work?

To perform this procedure, our specialists will lift and tighten the muscles of the face, removing excess skin and fat to create more attractive contours that will restore the facial structure’s natural beauty. There is minimal scarring and it is well hidden. This is the traditional face lift which provides the most comprehensive results. There are other types of facelift procedures for specific areas of the face, including the mini and midface lifts, the lower face lift, the forehead lift, and various procedures that target specific areas of concern. Our doctors will guide you into which option is best for you.

Ideal Candidates:

  • Healthy patients who do not have medical conditions that impair healing

  • Patients with good skin elasticity, a strong bone structure, and loose skin on their face or neck



Botox is an injectable neuromodulator that can remedy the appearance of fine lines and wrinkles found on the forehead, between the brows, and around the eyes.

How Does it Work?

Botox is comprised of highly purified botulinum toxin protein to safely and effectively minimize muscle contractions in the designated treatment area. With muscle movement reduced, wrinkles are gradually softened, creating a younger-looking complexion.

How long does it last?

Botox has been observed to last up to 4 months. Ultimately, results will vary from person to person.

Ideal Candidates:

  • Patients in good general health

  • Patients who are self-conscious of fine lines and wrinkles in their forehead, between their brows, or around the eyes

  • Patients who seek younger-looking skin with realistic expectations in mind



Skin imperfections and aging concerns continue to develop as we get older. Environmental factors such as the sun, as well as the natural aging process, can cause pigmentation issues and wrinkles on the surface of skin. Maintaining an effective skin care regimen is a preventative measure for supporting skin health. However, it is not always successful at reversing imperfections and fine lines. Luckily, there are now highly-effective and non-invasive treatments for skin rejuvenation with Cynosure technology.

What is Cynosure?

Cynosure is a hologic company that offers a variety of advanced technology for diminishing skin imperfections and supporting the health and vibrant glow of skin. These innovative devices offer pain-free treatments with no required down time. These state-of-the-art treatments can have your skin looking and feeling its best.

RALEIGH  919-443-2557
CARY  919-443-2557

GREENSBORO  336-443-9300


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